Sunday, June 17, 2007

Concocted Opinions

What a weird creature human is… m sure God still takes proud and at the same time repents this creation of his/her, don’t know what gender to use, have even heard humans discuss the gender of his/her creator… ufff its so damn obnubilating… neways coming back to main thought, I was positing about zaniness of humans… rather the weirdest thing in humans is their mind… man the bloody thing never ceases to work… while sleeping, while walking, while eating ( as a kid I thoughtt its only mouth which works on the commandments of tongue n stomach, but I was wrong, here again mind is the great controller!!!!), while watching movie, while laughing, while exercising, while…. U know what all… add whatever u want to add to the list…
There is this special exercise of this machine called mind which I DETEST, i.e. being so emotionally judgmental about any XYZee person… Gosh, we have so many opinions about others… not only that we have opinions, but we also give our minds the liberty (or rather since it’s the commander itself, therefore it itself takes the autonomy ) of being very strongly judgmental about those opinions and based on that we form a picture of the person…
Now, off lately I’ve been observing people’s opinion about me ( its not that I don’t have opinions about them… of course I’ve), man if I were to believe all of them, then there should have been at least 5-6 pictures of me trying to fit in the same frame and also all of them so very different from each other. For instance

There is this chunk of people who have a very strong opinion about MANIKA TANDON… it goes like… she is ruuuuuuude, insolent, conceited, inconsiderate, overweening, selfish, stubborn, high-headed, snotty-nosed, chesty, immodest, egoist, arrogant…. N all the adjectives of the same genre, these are TYPE A ppl, and now in contrast to this there is a bucket of ppl (TYPE B) who feel that I’m a sweetheart, endearing, honey coated, charming, adorable, and again all the nouns and adjectives of like stratum.
There’s another clump of people (TYPE C),who share a school of thought which says that my life is completely controlled by ma mind, m highly pragmatic, all my decisions are channeled through ma brain, emotions have no role to play in my life, and on the other hand some of them (TYPE D) feel that I’m the most emotional and sensitive person they have seen… ve got a soft heart which is replete of love (rather overflows with love) and m easily moved by emotions.
So u see the difference. Arrey don’t be befuddled, abhi we have more to witness.
Type E feel that I’m a reserved kind of person, if I open ma mouth I only make sense out of it and also that I‘m very focused in life, a person who strongly realizes what her goals are and never deviates from them… m sure if ne of TYPE F are reading this they must be laughing their heart out because they feel that I’m a chatter box… can’t stop smattering for even 2 mins (with them I’ve a record of shutting my mouth for a max of 1min 48 secs) and is too chilled out with life… is too indolent for getting up in the morning for classes/office, hw can she ever be so riveted…
And it continues like this…
But m sure all of come across such things, and to be true all these opinions together form the real us,
Honestly, after observing all this I sat down and realized that none of them are actually wrong, type A form the 90-95% of ppl I’ve ever come across… nva really interacted wid them, but probably in some way or the other they know me, since they are more than 90% of the people so they think that their opinion is definitely vox populi ( majority wins u see)
Type B is the chunk ppl I care about and express my concern to them, forms 1-2% of ppl I knw.
Type C are the ppl I have delivered gyan to… basically these are those friends of mine who needed a short term gyan when trapped in a certain situation, or ne such stuff, basically audience who have heard me speak philosophy of life or some of the ppl I’ve worked with on professional level..
TYPE D are the REAL ppl of my life…. Rather they r ma lifeline… They are my reason to live, laugh, eat, sleep, work, cry… almost every thing I do is concerned with them… I live for them, with them… can go to ne extent for them… they are of course ma family, a very tight group of friends and of course some very special ppl.
TYPE E are ppl who wud ve seen me work… although there r very few instances when I’ve worked… but when I do I actually do it with compassion( u know I’m not modest nuff to deny the facts)
TYPE F are those who have seen me party, with whom I’ve had blast of ma life and have freaked out with… this is the larger group of friends I have.
And of course there’s a TYPE G which has seen me in all of these colors… my dearest pals eva. Buddies, I love u guys, this again goes to all of you… Neena, Esha, Sonali, Komal, Radhika, Ruchika, Anuradha, luv ya forever ppl (gosh I’ve become so expressive after college)…
But m sure this does not end here… many off the opinions I’ve not come across yet…
There’s only thing which is inferred from all these opinions is that I’m an extremist n definitely hate mediocrity…
Basically wrote this because ppl have been asking me to write something about myself so this is how so many ppl describe me… but definitely my own opinions I‘ve not taken account of in this…. n if u did not find it worth reading then who asked u to read it.


daman said...

don't worry we have all become expressive after leaving the college ,though never met u in college and got ur blog link from sid proothi's blog

loved the way u write and express urself and i would only say give a damn to type A ppl because the only one's that matters are TYPE G :)

daman said...

ya u are tagged :) and thanks ,but my achievements are not dat great :)

Anonymous said...

hey sweety i think ppl who belong to jst 1 or even 2 types dunno wat kind of person u r..To knw u they have to b in A,B,C....F types or may b i cn add some more 2 dis list..
So wat ever they say or do just dont care for dem becoz we knw the real MANIKA whos sweet,caring,full of love,njoys each n every moment of life..hey d list is never endin
luv u lots..